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Model: EU Stock 12V 230ah with Bluetooth
For more product details, please join BASEN groups to discuss or download:
$389.00 $722.00
Model: EU stock EVE 280AH
For more product details, please join BASEN groups to discuss or download:
$78.00 $130.00
Model: DIY case for 48V battery pack
Model: DIY case for 48V 230ah battery pack
Model: EU STOCK · 24V 100AH with Bluetooth
$430.00 $769.00
Model: Wall-Mounted 51.2V 230ah
Model: Rack-Tpye 51.2V 230ah 6000 Cycles
Model: Rack-Type 51.2V 100ah 6000 Cycles
Model: Rack-Tpye 51.2V 304ah 6000 Cycles*3