Fuel Prices Are Rising Significantly - Diesel Is Particularly Expensive

At midnight, the reduction in the energy tax on fuels ended. The end of the tank discount was quickly reflected in the prices.
At many petrol stations, prices have risen significantly since the discounts ended. This is shown by a quick evaluation of the prices at almost 400 petrol stations in Munich, Berlin and Hamburg between 6 and 6:30 a.m. on Thursday by the German Press Agency using ADAC fuel price data. The prices at many gas stations were significantly higher than in the same period on Wednesday.
E10 premium petrol cost more than two euros on Thursday morning at most of the gas stations surveyed. On Wednesday morning, the price was not above this threshold at any gas station examined. Diesel, on the other hand, already cost more than two euros at the majority of the gas stations examined on Wednesday. On Thursday, the diesel price was well above 2.10 euros at most petrol stations, sometimes even more than 2.30 euros.
Mathematically, the price of E10 could increase by 17 cents for diesel due to the repeal of the 35 cent tax cut. However, prices had already risen significantly in the past two weeks. In addition, petrol station operators were still shopping at the reduced tax rate up until Wednesday and could therefore initially sell petrol and diesel more cheaply. So it could be a while before the end of the tank discount has its full impact on customers.
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